Friday, June 6, 2014


Tim Flach is an innovative adept at capturing animal beauty through photographing them. He helps to define this arena of photography as we know it. He was born in london in 1958 and went to college for art and design. He is well-known and has received many awards. His portfolio consists of More Than Human, Dog Gods, and Equus. 

David Doubilet started underwater photography at age 12. One of the Earth's most celebrated underwater photographer and works for National Geographic.His goal is to give a visual voice to the underwater ocean and show people its beauty. Numerous awards were given to him for this talent.Doubilet has a partner for this, Jennifer  Hayes, also his wife.

Matt Trappe takes pictures of scenery, physical activity and plane good times. His portfolios consist of Main Portfolio, LIFESTYLE, ADVENTURE, and TRAIL RUNNING. His goal is to capture excitement and the "emotion of pushing one's limits and exploring new places." His message is powerful, simply inspiring, and clear. Most of his pictures relate to my likes-running,health, and fun! He also recently ran a 140 mile race 

David Doubilet
his work-

I was inspired by him and made this for final

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