Friday, June 13, 2014

part 3 final

I Like these because ...

I love sharks and horror movies with sharks, the actors in movies always say that its scarier not knowing where they are then knowing. They probably had a picture of the ocean and had a picture of a shark fin, they lassoed the fin and free transformed it into the ocean picture.
 Its powerful, and conveys a message obviously enough so that any one could understand people need to use trees less. Most likely, they used photoshop to lasso out the tree and deleted the words that way also.
 It really simplifies what happens when you pollute and tries to show you its dangerous. They edited the gun in by inserting the image on photoshop to a picture of a building.

It is a metaphor that demonstrates 
 that when you drink and drive you are contributing to violence, i like the metaphor.They used dodge tool to make background around spit lighter, and behind him darker by burn tool.
I like this since it looks like she is in the crash by the way her face looks, but clearly she isn't in a car. They did the blood by lassoing from another picture and free transforming it in the picture.
Roy Lichtenstein has a comic book style, Ben day dots are used to fill in color.Andy Warhol uses 4 pictures all different color contrasts , each picture interacting with each other. Similarly, they are not realistic art styles. Though, Roy doesn't have 4 blocks of pictures, Andy does.
Brandon Staton takes pictures of real people on the streets of New York and talks to them. David Meanix uses paper, rips it up, and covers thing. They both use real humans, but David uses objects sometimes. Pablo Picasso has a cubism style. Unlike  Brandon and David, he is photographic, not a painter. Similar to David, creates weird images.
I learned...
I now understand how to use photoshop and I am a better typer. Before, photoshopping an image took a whole period, but now i can do it in 5 or 10 minutes. Also, i understand how to use most tools, especially the lasso tool. I am better at researching and planning and can take an image and point out what tools were used to do it. My Favorite digital project was the three of myself because it was fun playing with scale. My Favorite studio project was the fashion show, i love making clothes, especially with newspaper and a stapler.

Friday, June 6, 2014


Tim Flach is an innovative adept at capturing animal beauty through photographing them. He helps to define this arena of photography as we know it. He was born in london in 1958 and went to college for art and design. He is well-known and has received many awards. His portfolio consists of More Than Human, Dog Gods, and Equus. 

David Doubilet started underwater photography at age 12. One of the Earth's most celebrated underwater photographer and works for National Geographic.His goal is to give a visual voice to the underwater ocean and show people its beauty. Numerous awards were given to him for this talent.Doubilet has a partner for this, Jennifer  Hayes, also his wife.

Matt Trappe takes pictures of scenery, physical activity and plane good times. His portfolios consist of Main Portfolio, LIFESTYLE, ADVENTURE, and TRAIL RUNNING. His goal is to capture excitement and the "emotion of pushing one's limits and exploring new places." His message is powerful, simply inspiring, and clear. Most of his pictures relate to my likes-running,health, and fun! He also recently ran a 140 mile race 

David Doubilet
his work-

I was inspired by him and made this for final

scratch board

Scratch-boarding is the use of  knives and tools to etch a white picture covered in black ink. When scratched, a layer of shine appears.
Graffito art  is the equivalent to scratch in italian,means scratches on walls instead of spray paint, to make a picture.
These two things are similar because they both scratch a surface to reveal an image.