Tuesday, April 1, 2014

James Mollison and Eunique Jones

James Mollison photography

James feels that experiences as a child sculpt the person will you become in the future. To prevent this for kids who grow up in a bad conditions, he feels he should inform people on what happening to children at their home.

Eunique Jones takes pictures for a movement,Because of them We Can,unlike Mollison who has more of a project,Where children sleep.Similar, they both aim to improve lives of people.Even though the mission is the same, the people they hope to better  are different. Mollison does what he does to make the life of kids better by awareness. Jones, however, tries to help a variety of blacks with an assortment of ages. Later on, Jones has her new series, which has kids dressed as famous black people in history to highlight their importance.They both have messages with in the picture ,but contain different messages.Clearly, Mollison wants to show not to judge a book by a cover. Jones tries to portray with her New series how children should embrace their background.They both are very similar, but differ.

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